Sometimes, as a busy working adult, you can only take your vacations at certain times of the year. Or perhaps you are trying to book your vacation for a month you think will be more cost-effective. If you want to travel to Peru, you may wonder if January is a good month.

There are many advantages to traveling to Peru in January, such as cheaper flights, fewer tourists, and more flexible plans.

Read on to learn what to expect when traveling to Peru in January.

Is Traveling to Peru in January a Good Idea?

If you are expecting to do a lot of outdoor activities, it is not ideal to travel to Peru in January. This month is one of the rainiest during the year, and it can lead to flooding, closed trails, roads, and lots of mud.

However, if you plan to spend most of your vacation visiting indoor spaces or the coastal regions then January is a fine time to visit. Many flights are cheaper between January to April because this is the low season for tourism. This means you may be able to avoid crowds and enjoy a quieter and calmer trip.

Additionally, you won’t need to book excursions so far in advance. Many of the most popular attractions will be cheaper and have fewer people on the tours.

In the jungle, you may even get a chance to see some wildlife you wouldn’t normally see in the dry season, such as jaguars and other big animals.

Where Should You Visit in Peru in January?

Traveling to Peru in January is the best time to visit Lima, which is on the coast. Lima rarely gets rain. It has excellent weather with temperatures that stay around 77 degrees Fahrenheit and the lowest humidity levels of the year. Other coastal cities such as Huanchaco, Mancora, and Punta del Sal are also popular destinations in January.

In these areas, you may experience more tourist volume than in the Andes Mountains and Amazon Rainforest regions. Prices may also be more expensive in the coastal cities during this time.

What is the Weather Like in Peru in January?

Since Peru is located near the equator, its temperatures remain fairly constant throughout the year. According to what regions you wish to visit while traveling in Peru, the weather may be vastly different.

For most of Peru, January is a part of the rainy season, which means that there will be a lot of rainfall in the Amazon rainforest and Andes mountains regions. Rain can pour down for several days in a row causing flooding and landslides. Hiking can be treacherous and outdoor excursions such as a trip to Machu Picchu may not be ideal. Also, there are more mosquitoes in the rainforest during the wet season.

However, along the coast, they rarely get rain. So, January is a fun time to visit Lima or Mancora and enjoy the beach.

Temperatures in January will vary based on where you are. Higher elevations will be chillier, and morning and evenings will average at around 41 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. However, in the Amazon rainforest regions, the temperatures are often between 82 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the day.

What Are Some Things to Consider Before Traveling to Peru in January?

Check to see if the local authorities have closed roads or paths before you go on any outdoor tours or hikes when traveling to Peru in January. Flooding may make some places inaccessible. Landslides can also be a problem, blocking places, so even if you are brave enough to traipse out during the rainy weather, make sure you practice caution.

If you are going to do outdoor excursions during your wet season visit, be sure to pack a rain jacket or rain poncho, shoes that dry quickly, and waterproof bags to keep your important documents in. You will want to seal your phone tightly in a waterproof bag to keep the rainwater from damaging it.

You may want a couple of pairs of shoes in case one of your pairs is too muddy or wet to wear several days in a row. A light jacket is also good for cooler nights in the Andes Mountains region.

Things to do in Peru in January

There are many things to do when you travel to Peru in January. Depending on which regions you visit, you can spend time both indoors and outdoors learning about Peruvian culture and enjoying historical architecture.

#1 Visit the Coastal Cities

Surfing is a popular pastime in the coastal cities during January. There are lots of big waves and comfortable, summer temperatures. You can take in the sun and relax along the beach or go snorkeling. You can also paraglide, kiteboard, paddleboard, and swim. Many of the coastal cities have several museums, parks, and restaurants that are informative and fun to visit.

Lima is the capital city of Peru and a beautiful place to visit during January, but Mancora and Punta Sal are also popular destinations.

There are many architectural and culturally significant sites in these cities that you can check out, as well.

You can visit the Islas Ballestas near Paracas to see where the sea lion pups are born and take a boat trip through the mangrove forests near Tumbes.

#2 Visit Local Shops and Museums

In the highland’s region, you can go shopping at the Pisac market and enjoy quaint cafes. You can also visit many of the cultural and historical museums and learn more about Peru. There are also several fantastic restaurants with local cuisine to try.

Even though it is the rainy season, you may get lucky and can travel to some of the popular tourist sites such as Machu Picchu or Lake Titicaca. You can also take in the scenery of the Andes Mountains as you travel around the major cities such as Cusco and Arequipa.

The Andes Mountains have some of the oldest cities in Peru with excellent architecture to admire. You can tour some of the famous cathedrals and see many of the exquisite state buildings.

#3 Take a Luxury Cruise

If you take luxury cruises along the Amazon River, the higher waters will make it easier for the vessel to take you to more places, so you’ll get to see more of the jungle. Luxury cruises are large and often have a wide variety of opulence. They often feature dinners made by famous chefs, spas, open-air jacuzzis, and comfortable, modern rooms.

As you float on the river through the jungle, you’ll be able to see anacondas, sloths, monkeys, and many birds. Many times, these cruises stop and allow you to hike, ride bikes, or swim during clear weather.

You will also get a chance to visit local towns and maybe even get a chance to fish for exotic fish. These cruises can be expensive and there are several different ones you can book, but they are one of the most comfortable ways to get a glimpse of the Amazon rainforest, especially during the rainy season.

#4 Attend a Festival

Additionally, many festivals occur in January. There are New Year’s Day celebrations in most of the country.

In Trujillo, you can go to the Marinera dance festival any time of the month. The Marinera is a story-like dance that represents courtship and love. Couples dress traditionally and dance using graceful movements and handkerchiefs to live music.

The Marinera Festival brings the streets of Trujillo alive with vibrant colors, music, and dancing. There are also horse parades and competitions during this festival.

#5 Sandboard in Huacachina

You can also try sandboarding down dunes at the Huacachina, the magnificent red dunes near a desert lagoon. There are several resorts and elegant hotels to stay at and plenty of beautiful scenery. You can also dune buggy around the desert landscape and take a tour of the Pisco Vineyard.

Huacachina is around 4 hours south of Lima by bus. An underground water current formed the desert oasis, creating this small reverie in the vast sand. The oasis is home to area palm trees, eucalyptus, and carob trees. It’s a small place in the middle of the desert, but it is one of the most beautiful spots to visit while traveling to Peru in January.


Traveling to Peru in January is a unique experience. January is the rainy season in much of the country, so it’s important to pack your rain gear.

If you are looking to do some of the more traditional outdoor excursions, it may be too rainy to fully enjoy those. However, the coastal cities, desert, cultural spots, and festivals available during January are great ways to experience the country.

Also, January in the Andes Mountains region is the low season, meaning you would get cheaper flights and tickets. This also means that many of the most popular tourist attractions will be easier to see with fewer tourists.

So, if you are looking for a low-key excursion to Peru, book your trip for this upcoming January.

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